Questionnaire Development Workshop

Questionnaire Development Workshop Questionnaire Development WorkshopDate: 11 January 2022 (Tuesday)Time: 9:00AM – 1:00PMPlatform: Cisco WebexFacilitator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Iskandar HamzahClick to join.  #FBMawesome#FBM_Official

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Anugerah Pascasiswazah Fakulti

Anugerah Pascasiswazah Fakulti ANUGERAH PASCASISWAZAH FAKULTI (APF) Congratulations to all the students listed below for their excellent academic performance for semester March – July 2021…

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FBM Postgraduate Colloquium

FBM Postgraduate Colloquium Congratulations to all the recipients of Best Video Presentation for FBM Postgraduate Colloquium. The winners from each track are:  Management and International…

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